Digest basics
Posting in Today at CC will not post to the campus event calendar; public events posted to the campus event calendar will be considered for inclusion in Today at CC. Today at CC is a promotional tool; posting events to Today at CC does not reserve a venue or space on campus. Please continue to use the CC Events Management System for space and logistical needs.
- The announcements section in the Daily Digest email each morning includes all announcements posted in the previous 24 hours;
- The events section in the Daily Digest email includes a chronological list of events happening in the next 72 hours only; a comprehensive list of all events is on the Today at CC web page;
- Many approved events that have been posted to the campus event calendar will automatically be included in Today at CC; please check if Today at CC is already showing your event prior to posting;
- Use the new “tags” field to quickly provide key terms that are related to your event (ex. dinner, concert, symposium, or your own custom tag);
- Event filters that allow users to sort by audience (student, staff, faculty, public), tags, sponsors, and date;
- The Today at CC homepage displays events occurring today and all announcements posted in the past 24 hours;
- Post to the Digest (Faculty, Staff, and/or Student):
- Visit Today at CC and click the Profile icon at the top-right of the page and sign in to SSI.
- Click the + (New Post) button and choose whether you want to post an announcement or an event
- Enter the title, date, post information, and choose the audience(s) you are posting
- See the Today at CC Help document for more information
- To post to the sales digest, you must be subscribed to it with the same email address you are using to post. At that point, just send an email to sales-l@listserv1.bongobaystudios.com to post your message.
- Other smaller digests for other audiences post via email or through their pages on Listserv1
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Last updated: 07/26/2024